Quantico Wiki

Kubark is the fourth episode of the second season of Quantico. It premiered on October 23, 2016.


The trainees are put through a training drill that tests their stress levels while Alex tries to gather information and get close to Owen. Meanwhile, in the future, the terrorist organization demands a trade, a move that could possibly end the stand-off.


The terrorists offer to give about 1,700 hostages in exchange for a hacker, who was given a presidential pardon during "Kudove." Alex is able to talk to Raina, and tries to get her to give a message to Miranda. Shelby tries to tell the FBI not to accept the exchange, but they go ahead with it under Miranda's request. Raina tries to give Alex's message to Miranda, and Alex tries to stop the exchange, but both are unsuccessful. Shelby finds a message from the hacker, telling her that Miranda is "one of them." The hacker, unwilling to follow the terrorists' orders, kills himself. In flashbacks, the trainees must learn to deal with stress, and learn to keep their heart-rate and stress levels down when dealing with their weaknesses. Alex and Ryan decide to clone Owen's phone, which is recording the trainees' records of stress. Alex's weakness is self-doubt, and the CIA think that Ryan's weakness is authority. Ryan tells Alex that she is his weakness, which is why he is keeping his distance. Using the data cloned from Owen's phone, Leigh was shown to have high stress levels when Ryan asked her about using a bug, suggesting that Leigh was the one who planted the bug.



  • The title of this episode, Kubark is a cryptonym for the CIA Headquarters which is located in Langley, Virginia. In addition, Kubark also refers to another highly controversial CIA interrogation manual that explains how to get information out of interviewees. This includes all kinds of psychological warfare to coerce interviewees into giving up information.


  • Table read was on August 11, 2016.

